Storytime #61 A wonderful thing took place yesterday that I couldn’t help but share with you all. A few weeks ago This person that I know posted on FB a comment that mentioned current prominent black leaders such as US Representative Tim Scott, Candice Owens, Hershal Walker, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, that they were ‘brainwashed’ and sellouts to the African American. culture.
Well, that’s it, I decided to call him out and ask him ‘why’ did he feel that way. Now, I know we are in the middle of an election year and people are being convinced that they have to choose sides. Biden or Trump, Democrat versus Republican. I am even more surprised and disappointed that the ‘Body of Christ’ is right there in the ‘mix’ carrying out this bad behavior. Well, this person who I called out is also a minister too.
He suggested that we meet for coffee to have this discussion so that we could best understand each other’s position. Wow! It was the greatest idea ever! Of course, I prayed and asked God to give us clarity to make sure we would understand each other. When we saw each other at the coffee shop, we both welcomed each other with an ‘open arm hug’. The spirit of God was on that meeting. He and I went on to state how much we respected each other and agreed that FB was an inappropriate ‘place’ to have such a conversation. He went on to explain his position and perceptions of the TWO presidential candidates who are running for office. He went on to explain why he didn’t like Trump versus Biden. How he didn’t like his comments, the things he has said, and his past behaviors. After he finished, it was my turn. I couldn’t help AGREE with him. By the look on his face, I could tell that we were ‘connecting’.
I told him that he and I both know as ‘ministers’ that there is NO ONE on this entire planet is in a position to point a finger of ‘judgment’ at anyone’s ‘past’ or shortcomings to pronounce them ‘unfit’ or ‘perfect’. We both agreed, that ALL OF US has had various individuals in our lives who have pushed and encouraged us to be better. These are the individuals that we will remember for life! Liking them or questioning their ‘character’ had nothing to do with them giving us the ‘positive reinforcement’ that we needed [i.e. Grandmother, mother, father, or drill sergeant]. We also agreed that EVERY time the election year rolls around politicians pull out their ‘race cards’ and sell the Black community on the idea of victimization.
People like Candice Owens and Tim Scott, who are positive role models, and are an encouragement to the Black community are viewed as ‘sellouts’ or not being faithful to the culture. My friend who is also a ‘veteran’ and understands the concept of strategy and propaganda, saw how this manipulation causes people to become DISTRACTED and lose sight of what the TRUE VALUES we should be focusing on. It’s by design, they encourage CONFUSION and DIVISION.
I went on to show him the documented VALUES of each group and what they represent. We both KNEW as men of faith we both had a duty and responsibility to support the group that BEST supports ‘godly values’. I did NOT once tell him who to vote for. Where we both agree, is in the Lord Jesus Christ. We ended our conversation by praying for our nation and asking God to send us godly men and women who want to serve this great nation. We ask God to bring unity and clarity to the entire body of Christ to see clearly and set the standard in choosing the right leaders that we want to represent us. Most people don’t know this, but the Bible DOES NOT tell us NOT to judge. Jesus told us HOW to judge correctly [Matthew 7:5]. Our values [the church] are NOT the same as the world’s. We both agreed that we cannot afford to sacrifice the ‘blood’ of the innocent or compromise our godly values for selfish ambitions or personal biases that are usually not based on the truth. We have to pray and ask God for guidance and NOT believe the falsehoods of celebrities, the news media, and social media. We shook hands and rejoiced over how God blessed us both in taking the time to sit down and talk with each other. We hope we can encourage others to do the same.